
In 28 January 2019, BaliMéd Hospital was given the perfect 5-stars accreditation by KARS (Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit).

The purpose of the accreditation is for the hospital to improve the quality of service, through the implementation of patient-oriented accreditation standards, so that the hospital can know and apply the accreditation standards and improve the understanding of hospital practitioners toward the patient-focused service accreditation standard.

Also one that is not less important is the role of government and all concerned communities to oversee the implementation of KARS. So that health for society is not seen as just a business problem but more to public health prosperity.

What Does This Accreditation Mean?

Accreditation is the official recognition to hospitals that meet health service standards and must be performed by all hospitals.

According to Law Number 44 Year 2009 on Hospital, hospitals are health care institutions that provide full-scale personal health services that provide inpatient, outpatient and emergency care services.

In order to get health care from a qualified hospital, a special commission was set up to provide a good service standard for hospitals in the form of hospital accreditation. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 417/Menkes/Per/II/2011 on the Hospital Accreditation Commission, this special commission is in charge and serves to implement accreditation for hospitals in Indonesia.

Based on the regulation, the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) is also an independent institution in performing hospital accreditation that is functional, nonstructural, and responsible to the Minister of Health. The KARS was first established in 1995 and every three years the regulation was updated.

In its development, accreditation standards have become patient-focused, with reference to Joint Commission International (JCI) standards coupled with the standards of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) program.

According to the standard type, accreditation consists of four groups:
1. Patient-focused service standards.
2. Standard of hospital management.
3. Patient safety standards.
4. MDGs program standards.

If a hospital is serious about quality and safety, it seeks independent confirmation.

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