Generator Options
The generated username format will be yymmddxxx, whereas xxx is a 3-digits serial number.
e.g. 190715001, 190715002, 190715003, etc.
Number of Users to Generate: how many user account will be created
ID Starts From: starting number of the 3-digits serial number of the username
Valid From Date if empty, the generated username won’t have start date (even if the time is not empty).
Valid From Time if empty, default is 00:00 AM.
Valid Until Date if empty, the generated username won’t have end date (even if the time is not empty).
Valid Until Time if empty, default is 23:59 PM.
Max Login Count if sets to -1, the username can login countless times.
Exam Type is the exam that is going to be displayed when the user logs in.
- To generate 3 accounts, ID starts from 12, valid from 16 July 2019, 0900AM until 17 July 2019, 0900AM, and can only login 2 times, exam #1
Number of users to generate:
ID Starts From: 12
Valid From (date): 07/16/2019
Valid From (time): 09:00 AM
Valid Until (date): 07/17/2019
Valid Until (time): 09:00 AM
Max Login Count: 2
Exam ID: 1 - To generate 5 accounts, ID starts from 1, can only login 2 times, exam #2
Number of users to generate: 5
ID Starts From: 1
Valid From (date): –
Valid From (time): –
Valid Until (date): –
Valid Until (time): –
Max Login Count: 2
Exam ID: 2